Friday, June 12, 2009

There are worse things...

Those of you who have known me for a long time know that I hate going to the gym. in fact, the main reason I do it is because it feels good when I stop. Kind of like beating your head on the wall... the relief of it being over almost seems to make it worthwhile... well, except for the fact that beating your head on the wall doesn't really serve a purpose... unless you are trying to give yourself a concussion so you can discover a tumour, but there are better ways to find out such information... such as falling on the ice and knocking yourself out... but that one is a story for another day.

The gym I go to must be where all the twenty-something female health-nuts in this city go to work up a sweat on the treadmills... which incedentally are located directly in front of the bike machines... my warmup equipment:)

Anyway, to make a long story short, yesterday Achmed had my schedule all screwed up because of the meeting with the General. I usually hit the gym on my way home from the office, around 5ish, sometimes I go at lunchtime... either way, there are always women at my gym and a lot of them are fit and cute... and not much inspires a man to get his physical ass in shape more than a bunch of pretty ladies checking him out (perhaps the threat of brain surgery does though). I am assuming they are checking me out, because I know I am checking them out... so it must work both ways.

So, I got the the gym yesterday around 7:30 (I hope that my boss is reading this so she knows I am not a slacker) because I had stuff to do and business doesn't stop just because Achmed is being a pain in the ass. I did a few streches and got on the bike for a quick 15 minute warmup before hitting the weights... but I just couldn't get into it. Perhaps, I thought, that this whole medical issue thing I have going on is starting to get to me... maybe I was feeling a bit down or something. Then it hit me... I looked around to make sure I wasn't imaging it... THERE WERE NO WOMEN IN THE GYM! I must have hit the men's happy hour or something because aside from the receptionist I checked in with on the way inside, there seemed to be an over abundance of "Y" chromosomes in the place.

After the shock settled, I finished the most uninteresting workout of all time and hit the sauna. As I opened the door I hear the words "good playoffs". So I thought "cool, I'll have a chat with these lads about hockey for 10 minutes and then grab a shower." I probably should have clued in when I saw that they were both about seven feet tall and just kept my mouth shut.

We all chatted, and I am not really sure what I said... but they kind of laughed and said, "Basketball man."

So... a gym trip with no ladies to inspire my workout and an awkward conversation with two almost naked strange men in the sauna. On top of that, I dropped my shampoo in the shower and broke off the cover which ultimately led to me spilling that gooey liquid all over my car and now it smells like some kind of herbal tea bath. I think that Achmed is starting to get into my head!

I can't really complain though... yesterday could have been an aweful lot worse than that.

From Achmed and Me... Live Life!

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