Monday, June 8, 2009

Pre-rehab rehab

Even before I found out I had a new companion travelling with me, I have been on a bit of a health kick trying to relive my youth or something. I am not sure if it was turning 40, my divorce or the violent hangovers that seem to come with increasing age, but for whatever the reason, I have been on a path of better physical, mental and spiritual health for about a year now. On this path I have met some wonderful people who have become important in my life and now have become significant players in Achmed’s life as well.

It is funny how the world works, I met Carl and Amanda (not a couple and two separate things) and they became clients of mine and now I am clients of theirs. Carl is a 52 year-old teenager, so right away I liked him, even before I knew what he did. Among other things, Carl is a personal trainer,, and he has me on some kind of weight program to increase my athleticism, strengthen my core and improve my bendiness. We have been working together for a couple of weeks now, and aside from him making me lift things when I am about to collapse (when I am about to quit at 100 lbs, he makes it 90, then when I am ready to stop he makes it 80… at the rate he is going I won’t be able to lift a pen up to write in a few more weeks), Carl has one of the most positive attitudes of anyone I know and you can’t help but see the bright side of things when you are around him. His goal is to make me strong enough to handle the atomic bomb I am expecting soon and to make sure that if my balance gets shot to hell during all of this, he wants to make it as easy as possible for me to get it back. I am starting to think that he is going to take it as a personal insult if I have trouble walking after the nuclear strike in my head goes off and they capture Achmed.

I don’t know if any of you have ever tried energy healing, but if you haven’t, you should consider it; it might even be covered on your health plan. Amanda,, … (ok, seriously, these people are not paying me to promote them… I just realized how this looks… perhaps I should say that they are not paying me yet…lol) is a personal coach and energy person. I have no idea what she does. I am the absolute biggest cynic in the world when it comes to what people would consider “airy fairy” healing, but I went to Amanda today for my first energy session, she calls it energy balance. She made tingly things move around inside of my body without touching me and when she was finished, my bad knee was working again after months of a pulled hamstring! I may have thought it was all quackery before now, but I am the biggest believer in it today. So, now she is preparing my energy balance for my trip to the hospital with Achmed.

So many people have contacted me today and said that I have such a great attitude and I am an inspiration with my positive view, etc… and don’t get me wrong, I like to hear all that, it makes me feel good, but my attitude comes from the people in my life and all the positive energy that all of you are sending my way. I know I am going to have bad days and good days, just last week I felt good if I had a good 2 minutes… but I believe in the law of attraction and I am attracting positive people around me and it is all of you who give me the strength to be positive because I can guarantee that when this all started, the last thing I was, was positive!

From Achmed and Me… Life Life!

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