Monday, August 17, 2009

Introductions With a Brain Tumor

I have been going to Halifax with a bit of semi-regularity over the years. I used to live there, my ex-wife is from there and my head office is there, so I have probably visited Halifax more than any other city, although I haven’t kept count.

This past trip to my favourite pub-strip in the country was much more low-key than the one with the 4 guys. It’s a good thing too, because I don’t think I could do a trip like that with any kind of regularity… I can’t even get the whole story told in any kind of decent time frame, although I blame that on the good weather.

Last week I was in Halifax for work, so right off the bat I wasn’t on vacation and living in a single hotel room with 4 wanna-be-frat-boys. This work trip I did something a little different, something that I think I am going to make a habit out of… I stayed over for the weekend and visit some family and friends. And though Halifax has had a crappy summer for weather, every time I go it seems to be the best days that they have had in weeks! (If anyone is interested I will be renting myself out to weddings and special occasions to insure sunshine:)

So, when work was done, I went out with my cousin, Colleen. She is 8 days younger than I am and we have always been sort of close, even though we have hardly ever really spent a lot of time together… that kind of happens when you live in different provinces for most of your life. Well, Colleen has a bit of a twisted sense of humour… and she is a social butterfly… that can make for a really interesting situation when you are hanging out with her in her hometown and happen to have a brain tumor!

One night we went to Durty Nellie’s… or Filthy Nancy’s if you can’t remember pub names. There I got introduced to everyone that she knew, including a little Greek guy whose name I forget. Her standard introduction was, “Hi so-and-so, this is my cousin Kevin, (3-second pause… just long enough to shake hands and start to speak) he has a brain tumor.”

Most people are sympathetic, inquisitive, or just change the topic… it is actually a kind of twisted but cool experiment on human interaction. Anyway, the Greek guy… well, he literally let go of my hand, stepped back and looked at Colleen and said, “I wish I didn’t know that.” I looked at him and smiled, “It’s OK man, it’s not contagious.”

It was kind of funny really… good thing I am not sensitive!

On that same night we also hit the Lower Deck, my favourite pub in town, so a visit there is extremely important. I ran into Katey… yes, the same Katey from the 4-guys trip. I saw her and she was busy so I didn’t want to bother her. Well, I was with Colleen, so the fact that I didn’t want to bother her was irrelevant. She ran into Katey and told her that she was here with her cousin and that he (I) was in town a few weeks ago for the KISS concert with a few of his (my) buddies, and that he (I) writes a blog and she was in it. After this little tale, she had to meet me... she came over, tapped me on the arm. I looked up and smiled, and then she said, “You yelled at me.” (I am starting to think that it is possible that I may never live that moment in time down.)

I apologized again and tried to explain that I was yelling at the menu, not at her and for that matter, I really didn’t mean to yell at all. Anyway we chatted for a minute and I wrote down the blog address so she could look up.

Katey, if you are reading this, once again I apologize:)

From Achmed and Me… Live Life!

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