Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Evening Rides

Life has been treating me pretty well lately, well, you know, with the exception of my new buddy that makes my head throb and my bell ring, but other than that, I have no complaints.

Achmed has had a pretty positive impact on my lifestyle. As far as my physical health goes, I feel better than I have in years, thanks in no small part to Amanda and Carl. I feel stronger, fitter and all around more well balanced. Mentally I feel like my mind is clearer in what I want out of life... except for when the headaches get really bad, or I am exhausted because I don’t sleep regularly these days. My little buddy in my head seems to have rejuvenated me into living the life that I want to be living, instead of letting life dictate to me what is going on.

I used to be a bit of a work-a-holic and would stay at the office for hours to get something finished, or bring work home and stay at it all night or weekend. I will still do that when it is necessary, but usually it isn’t. Yesterday I did something that may have been a first for me. It was sunny out and at 5:30, in the middle of putting a report together, I closed my computer and decided I could finish it in the morning. Then I left and went home, cooked a big feed of salmon, mounted my steed and popped out to see a few friends along my evening ride. My lawn may be almost 2 feet tall, but at least I am out doing something rather than crashing in front of the tube... which would have been very easy last night in the FROSTY July heat!

When I am out on my bike, it makes me forget that Achmed is hanging out above my right shoulder, it is pretty much the only thing that I do that puts him out of my mind. That is probably why I ride almost every day. I have taken lots of stops over the past few weeks... watching sunsets, listening to the waves on the beach, feeling the wind on my face... the little things in nature that I love and had started to take for granted. Lately I have started just popping into people’s houses while I am in the area. Not for any reason other than to say hi, maybe have a coffee... sometimes just because I need to use the bathroom!

It is going to be a long eight weeks before I get my MRI report and find out my radiation schedule, and sometimes the waiting frustrates me because I feel like everything is on hold. So don’t be surprised if I just show o up on your doorstep some evening, after you haven’t seen me for 2 years, just because I drank too much coffee and need to use your facilities.

For now, I plan to keep on living the life I want to live, even if there is a slight temporary pause in it.

From Achmed and Me... Live Life!

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