Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Countdown Is On...

One week from today I will either be on my way to recovery or on my way to becoming some kind of Super Hero. There is always the chance that I could sneeze in the radiation tunnel and become blind, or comatose, or dead I suppose... but I choose not to think of those options as very likely.

I have kept myself pretty busy for the past week-and-a-half; taking in social engagements, busy with work, attending a couple of fundraising events and a Rick Springfield concert and it has all kept my mind pretty occupied and not thinking about what is waiting for me in Winnipeg. I feel a bit like the kid who has really screwed up and is just waiting for Dad to get home from work to see what kind of punishment I am in for... the waiting was always worse than the actual sentencing.

I remember the time I stole Mom’s car and me and my buddy Nick took it joyriding around town for the day. Mom had left the car home that day for me to wash; I was too young to drive at the time. Honestly, I don’t even remember if I actually washed the car, but I damn well remember the feeling in my stomach when I pulled up around the corner that day to see Dad’s car in the driveway. It is pretty much the same feeling I have in my stomach right now.

Through all of the events that I have used to keep my mind active the past two weeks, none stands out more than the Healthcare Foundation Fundraising dinner that I attended Saturday night. By my estimates, adding up tickets, auction item sales and publically accounted for donations, the healthcare system here raised about $250,000.00 in one night. Pretty good dinner and I am glad that this town has a social scene that will support such a cause.

I boycotted buying any tickets when the girl selling them could not tell me where the money was going. When I asked, she simply replied, “To healthcare.” I looked at her and said, “I have a brain tumor and I have to buy my own plane ticket to get treatment, so obviously it isn’t going into the transportation budget... I’ll pass on any tickets, thanks.”

I was probably a bit hard on her, I think she was just a student volunteer... but she still should have known where the money was going.

This interaction made me realize how little attention we sometimes pay to where our money does go. We pay outrageous taxes so that we can have universal healthcare in this country, yet we don’t have it. I have to go to Winnipeg on about 60% of my own budget. I wonder if all the people who donated thousands of dollars to “healthcare” have any idea that travel to actually get “healthcare” is not really paid for, and what is covered is reimbursed in a ‘speed-of-government’ type of fashion.

For a while I was really pre-occupied with the fact that getting to this blast was going to be something I had to pay for, yet I am grateful that I am able to get the Gamma Knife, so I probably should not complain. And because so many people who do have to come up with money to travel for treatment are so grateful that they are able to be treated, we rarely hear about the financial frustration of those who go thorough the medical system.

I am too busy now trying to get the health part of my life back in order, but I can assure you that when I am back to my old self, the Provincial Department of Health here is going to be getting pretty sick of me. Between terrible customer service and repulsive financial service, not to mention that fact that I had to do all of my own research just to find out what my options were, I think I have a lot to bring attention to. I hope that everyone reading this shows up at the fundraiser I am putting together for travel assistance for people like me... it will be my victory party. If the Healthcare Foundation can raise over $200,000 in one night to buy some computer equipment, I should be able to raise at least 10% of that amount to get my fund started and help people in my position.

Meanwhile, mentally preparing for Winnipeg and physically recovering from it are on the top of my agenda for the next several weeks.

From Achmed and Me... Life Life!

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