Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Head is Back in The Game... More or Less!

So today, for the first time in about a month, I actually felt like my old self again and a series of events in the past two days have brought me out of my sluggish stupor and flying back into the face of reality.

Yesterday I got my Telecaster back from the shop with a new pickup in it; today after work I actually had a good workout at the gym, not just a ride on a stationary bike to make me feel somewhat active; then I got a $400 speeding ticket in the mail (in all the confusion and bureaucratic crap I had to deal with for the Winnipeg nuclear blast, I missed my court date a couple of days before I left… another stinging reminder of how screwed up our ‘healthcare’ system is); and finally, as I was walking into my bedroom, reading my conviction notice and thinking, “ok, no problem, no Christmas gifts for anyone this year,” I stepped right into Mikey’s breakfast… yes, my little fur-ball had puked all over my bedroom floor! A week ago Mikey could have thrown-up all over me and I probably wouldn’t have had to energy to wipe it off.

Of course, you already know that I went back to work last week, but somehow three half-days doesn’t seem like a very profound effort to re-establish myself back in the workforce. This week started off with more than half days, but not really full ones and my plan tomorrow is to actually work for the entire time that I get paid for.

I still have trouble getting going in the morning, mostly because I am not sleeping well or I have a headache. The pressure from lying on the anchor-holes in my skull, where once was attached a halo-brace, is less than comfortable after an eight hour nap. That being said, the headaches, jaw pain, balance problems and dizziness, which were all short-term effects from the radiation, seem to be disappearing at a pretty good rate. I haven’t had a burning sensation in my jaw in a couple of days and the last time I was dizzy was yesterday. The numbness in my hand is all but gone, as it is in my face. These particular effects being gone could be a side-effect of the steroids I was shot up with in Winnipeg, so it is possible that they MAY return before they hopefully go away for good.

All-in-all, I am recouping pretty well!

Today marks 3 weeks since I had 4 screws drilled into my head and got blasted with enough radiation to turn me into The Incredible Hulk, and I finally feel like I am returning to normal, or at least as normal as I probably ever will be. I have really fallen down on the job on keeping everyone informed the way I had said I would, but I will fire a few updates in here over the next week or so to fill you all in on how things really went with the surgery and how I was so incoherent after they fried my brain, that I couldn’t even order a chicken sandwich over the phone. Luckily for my tummy, the guy on the other end of the phone knew what I was trying to say and kept finishing my sentences for me… I have a few friends who might be interested in hiring him to translate for them when they go on a road trip!

From Achmed (he’s still there but hopefully actually dead now) and Me…Live Life!

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